“Electric Excitement,” is the 4-H Electric Energy series. This project will help de-mystify the magic of electric circuits, magnetism, motors and electronics. From making educated guesses and testing them, to building burglar alarms, learning how to select a really good stereo system and other consumer items, this project will get you actively involved in dozens of hands-on, fun activities.

Electric, Level 1

Are you ready to experience the magic of electricity? In this project, you will learn about the uses of electricity, selecting appropriate materials for your electric project, how to build a flashlight or switch, test conductivity, investigate circuits, test materials for magnetism, build and test a compass, build an electromagnet, build a galvanometer and build an electric motor.


Each year do at least three required activities and four optional activities. In addition, take part in at least two leadership experiences each year (such as giving a demonstration, participating in a judging activity, taking a tour, exhibiting your project, or attending an electric workshop). It may take three years to complete the level.


M Magic of Electricity, BU6848

Electric, Level 2

In this level, participate in activities such as learning about Ohm’s Law using a squirt bottle, using a Volt-Ohm meter, how to read circuit diagrams and how to build a circuit and measure voltages. You’ll also build a momentary switch and use it to communicate in Morse code, build a three-way switch, solder connections, build a rocket launcher and build a burglar alarm.


Each year do at least three required activities and four optional activities. In addition, take part in at least two leadership experiences each year. It may take three years to complete the level.


M Investigating Electricity, BU6849

Electric, Level 3

Put together a basic electrical tool and supply kit, interview an electrical inspector, learn about electrical codes, read an electric meter and electric service panels and decipher the symbols on wires and cables. You’ll be able to select the most appropriate light bulb for specific situations, learn how to read an appliance nameplate, measure the electric usage of appliances, test for voltage, determine if outlets are grounded, locate your home wiring system, replace a switch and identify what’s on each circuit.


Each year do at least three of the required activities and four optional activities. In addition, take part in at least two leadership experiences each year. It may take three years to complete the level.


M Wired for Power, BU6850

Electric, Level 4

Level 4 encourages you to move beyond basic electricity and explore electronics. You’ll learn about diodes, transistors, LED’s, photocells, SCR’s, IC’s and amplifiers. These items are all components of the family of solid-state electronics. They are also referred to as semiconductors because they can sometimes conduct electric currents and sometimes resist the flow of electric current. They are all an essential part of all modern-day electronics products found in the home, office and workplace.


Each year do at least three required activities and four optional activities. In addition, take part in at least two leadership experiences each year. It may take three years to complete the level.


M Entering Electronics, BU6851

Additional Resources for All Levels

L Electric Group Helper’s Guide, BU6852,Youth learn how to conduct an electric skillathon, quiz bowls, electric Bingo and how to calculate amperage.

Electric Independent Study/Advanced